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"If you think hiring professionals is expensive, try hiring amateurs"

~ Anonymous

Executive Search

The Whiting Group's primary focus is executive search.  And our process is simple and proven effective: (1) we learn everything we can about your company - its history and personality (and that of other team members), its strengths, its challenges and its aspirations; (2) we painstakingly define the background, skills and experience that will lead to success in the role that you need to fill, including bringing our learnings from our vast exposure through 20 years of experience; (3) we identify the brands or industries that are leading in those areas; (4) we identify the individual or individuals that are "sitting in those seats" at those industry leaders; and (5) we contact those individuals directly, introduce them to your opportunity, answer their questions and help them connect the dots between their career aspirations (and personal passion) and your opportunity.

Job boards do not reach candidates who are not looking.  Candidates who are not looking do not peruse your website postings and often are not active on social media sites like LinkedIn.  

The best candidates need to be "hunted."  That's what we do.

The best candidates are not looking . . .

Organizational Development Consulting

While executive search is our primary focus, the vast exposure that we have had to very diverse and innovative organizations provide a strong foundation from which to advise on related issues such as organization structure, talent management, compensation strategy and succession planning.

Please contact us to confidentially discuss how we can help you develop, incentivize and maximize your most important asset . . . your people.

"Human capital will go where it is wanted, and it will stay where it is well treated. It cannot be driven; it can only be attracted." ~ Walter Wriston

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